Friday, March 31, 2006 ©~jUn²珺☆
today trng got new teammate-to-be! jaclyn! yay... she s thinking of joining judo=D isnt dat great=D social judo you nu hai zi le! yays... so sir will be quite happy nowadays den... haha today trng oso quite effective laRh... dripped lyk how much sweat... gi is like drenched thru de gan jue loh... LOL... and sir made us watch the guys do 2 line nagekomi... well i can onli say dat was a thrilling experience... was lyk standing in a earthquake zone... POMBOMPOM all the way... i was lyk O_O earthquakE!!!! SAVE ME!!! hoho...
jenny n jeana v cute during social today=D haha keep getting mixed up... ppl will be like "dat s the elder one right" den we "NONONONO wrong!" haha... CUTE... and den they lyk get ULTRA wet from exercising loh.. LOL i shld hv taken a video of dem doing cartwheel and backward roll! so ke ai neh!
uhhuh my LOLlipop. i got nth to say. HMPH.
got major headache... might hv slight fever. pulled muscle. gained obakahs... sigh... but i still luv trngs=D luv the feeling dat wad i do now is helping me inprove and making me better=D yay.
to train is a priviledge.
Thursday, March 30, 2006 ©~jUn²珺☆
hoho today was lyk lessons marathon... all the way to 5 plus... eeks... scary... haha den din go for trng cuz... ended quite late... sigh...
today moped ard all day... sigh... dunno feel so weird.
got back bio lect test... HOHO got 20.5/45... DO U NOE DATS A E?! ITS A E!!! i din fail!!! screams=D
saw you today... like totally unexpected... din even noe u go there one... but seeing you made me happy for like half an hour=D YaY haha mebbe my liking of you has decreased. cuz it has been so long... since... sigh. i dunno. it just feels weird now. escape ur eyes.
stoning. do ppl even realise when im reali happy and when im acting happy? cuz i dun think anybody can feel. yupyup. feel reali tired these few days. isit becuz of the putting-up-a-brave-front stuff? its seriously tiring to act like ur happy, but ur like crying inside... the jokes now hv like no more meaning. cuz even when i am laffing, its onli on the surface.
leftout.alnoe.ostroed.saddened. u stand on the edge and wave bye bye to me silently as i fall.
lao ba v mean. he turned my classmates against me... =( edwardhongernmelvinxiuwei... ni men xiao xin yi dian~~~ hmph wad "we all hate majun" my heart went *piang* ok... den ask me to jump down... "hurdles" sommore... hmph...
haha just now on the bus v farney... phey wa and xiao hui were lyk comparing their jap vocab... den from koninchiwa dat kind progress on. den suddenly pop chu yi ju "hello kitty" den i O_O and from then on got wad "my melody" and stuffs den i diao... haha den even worse... the judo terms oso come into use... wad "nagekomi" and "uchikomi" all come into play... i was lyk "ma-te!" haha... sho farn=D
GOT MY BROWN BELT!!! sai colour tho... sad... hmm 260cm is the size 4 belt mah... why must he get the other kind for us=( i wan the chocolatey ones... so that when im hungry in trng... i can er... bite a piece off=D YaY isnt dat great=D yumyumyummy=D
i keep thinking dat im out. mebbe its becuz i AM out. mebbe i was never in.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006 ©~jUn²珺☆
slack today=D yay... always slack tho... hoho=D
YaY today saw wini=D yue lai yue chio le=D haha were at venezia=D and we totally pigged out on simply bread, venezia and the stuffs from cold storage... think i ate enuff for one whole yr le._. hoho=D yay so touched by wini... and she said mao mao reads my blog?! serious i din even noe... hmm... haha i m still ok laRh... most of the time=D
haha den when we were leaving i saw LOADS of ppl i noe on the way laRh... like me n xh waiting for bus, den got 174 drive past... den i saw xinyi s classmate on the bus... den xh was lyk eh ur friend. den i turn, and i saw xiuwei._. we were lyk STUN... haha... den on the 157 i saw zuo jing and weiheng... O_O haha wads w today laRh...
everyone s asking me who the you is... hoho... "ur ex?" "ur crush?" "ur friend?" "ur LC?" HAHA when did i hv an ex and when did i hv a crush and when did i become les... RAHH... man man guess ba=D
SABBATICALS!!! do you noe there is like ICE SKATING AND INLINE SKATING??? OMGOMGOMG... MAJUN PARADISE=D YAY... im SO GONNA CHOOSE THOSE=Dyay still praying for: -"laoba" s appointment 2molo... get well soon... and be happier=D-chengyen s papers 2molo. get As ok=D -all sick ppl to get well soon=D-you to get back into shape ><-happiness
Tuesday, March 28, 2006 ©~jUn²珺☆
praying for:- "lao ba" to get well soon. and smile more=D things will straighten out de=D -mortal cheng yen to pass phys and get good grades for GP and bio and get his confirmed As for chem and math... *so kiam pa right. hmph*
-jonathan to get well soon
-you to get back in shape soon -xiuwei to do well for auditions 2molo
-me to be happier *uhhuh dats EASY to achieve sia*SMILE MORE
"majun u r liek how fat" wah thx man... i guess im just hated loh. how many times have i heard this. haha. whatever. but its none of your concern how i look like. WAD?
sad day. haha. not just becuz of dat. sigh. i dunno. anybudi felt my unhappiness? anyone felt my aloneness? nope. i guess not. yuppies. i guess dats the way. its all back to the i-dun-wanna-be-alone feeling. but reality dusen follow ur dreams. yup. today, i stood on the outskirts of society.. hoho. feel rejected. nobudi reali listens. i try real hard. but in the end i still fail miserably. im just a social failure. i did this test and it said dat my social skills 93%. unhuh lyk i believe u liddat. yup.
being alone sux. oh whatever.
Monday, March 27, 2006 ©~jUn²珺☆
What does being a friend really mean to you?You value your friendships: 85%You love your friends very much - so much so that it's actually quite a worry. You may not be able to cope very well when you do lose somebody's friendship. You are a very sensitive and fragile person, and are therefore likely to get upset easily. You care for your friends and are willing to do anything that they ask you to do. Sometimes this can make your friends think that you are a bit of a nuisance. Nevertheless, people do really love you because your highest priority is your friends.rahh. am i dat irritating=( fine
today had a tok by sir abt the psychological aspect of competition. uhhuh... my daddy oso said sth to dat effect before my nats last yr.
as in dun think abt what you want to do. just do it. you have been training so long for it, that entering and throwing is lyk 2nd nature to you. just try. you have nothing to lose. my daddy gave the example of a kid in sports school in china, beating the world champion who went for a friendly match with them.
"he won, because he knew that he had everything to win and nothing to lose in this friendly match. so he just went all out and played to the best of his ability. you shld do that to. just treat it as a one way road. go all out and do not have any regrets"
SO INSPIRED=D yay... and i did wad they said... during newaza, i din think. den i tried to flip pings over. den i kicked my toe on the grd. SH*T. now it s worse den before. SAI. =( RAHH... shld use SOME brains... conclusion: majun is weird.
2molo got trng! sho shuang. sigh. hope i can do.
who needs tuition? hoho
xh say im a big lump of fats.=( cuz i say i hydrophobic. den she say i phospholipid. den she say i big lump of phospholipid== haha
"training is a priviledge"~ quoted from someone.
Sunday, March 26, 2006 ©~jUn²珺☆
If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you." --- Winnie the Pooh "A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out." "If you should die before me, ask if you could bring a friend." ---Stone Temple PilotsSO SWEETENED... getting diabetes soon~~~ hoho...
YaY jonathan say we shld go for pool soon! but i say we go K BOX FIRST! YAY... he say wad will sick de... HAHA if liddat i everyday sick le... cuz i sing everyday... shower singer: majUn! YaY... *coffcoff*
YaY lets not go play pool! im hydrophobic! and i dun swim=D
oh just rmbred. im training 2molo and tuesday! OH WONDERFUL. god onli noes how am i going to do break falls. and sprinting. and OH TWISTING! SHO FARN! faint. given up hope of it healing anytime this week. RAHH... my osoto and harai goes down the drain.
breakbalance. pull. cont. turn. throw. nice.
sad now.
so i fan out my brothers halflife=D yay... now can play liao... lyk 1 yr nv play le... hmm later forgotten den die within lyk er 5 mins jiu maluation le... whoots... haha but this one is called what hour glass standalone... I WAN THE LAST TIME ONE!!! where is it=( sigh... the outer space part v cute... bounce bounce bounce=D
YaY im going mad...
wah i hate u man. go die.
Saturday, March 25, 2006 ©~jUn²珺☆
sigh... today had trng... eh... toe even more swollen now... eeks... luckily today tok alot... i onli got thrown one morote and i dieded... ._. oops... sry xiaohui=( sigh... shld try out morote... yup...
i saw jenny n jeana train today=D double the cuteness!!! haha... v ke ai... cannot stand it liao...
u dun care if i hurt, do you. you only care about urself. i was wrong about you. and i wont make the same mistake for the thousandth time. i ve seen through you this time! ur dead.
im a cute cat! yay... even tho not all ppl lyk cats... lyk weiyi qianqian n eva loh... hmm mebbe playing bball makes u dislyk cats? dunno... but they lyk weird stuffs lyk ducks and hamsters... haha cuz mebbe the animals have a SPECIAL significance u see... HOHO... nvm i admit dat ducks and hamsters and doggies are cute too=D and RABBITS!!! adorable!!! haha... haha and i hvnt forgotten bryan! kiddies are cute btw ages 1 and 3... take dat from me... cuz i noe...
urgh. stop irritating me. cant u tell?
and er i hv a crush? oh who? haha how cum i dunno... whoots...
Friday, March 24, 2006 ©~jUn²珺☆
haha jonathan and pings r weird... they laff and they laff and they laff. den majun stone. == i stoned... until~~~ v long... and jonathan was lyk:"hey u look at majun. she reali look lyk loh!" den they laff again._. i reali look lyk mao meh... den they were lyk"majun, say MIAOW" == majun:*nothing to say*... haha=D but nvm cats r cute...
conclusion of todays tok w jonathan n pings:
-cats eat tuna
-i look lyk/= to cat
-they are weird
-they lyk to laff *can get abs loh*
-they are lame
-they make weird conclusions lyk 'the statement is 1/8 true'
yuxing came! YaY so long nv see her le! sigh... i wan her in my class... sigh... so i ll hv sum one to crap to, to tok to, and stuffs... mostly to hang ard with... but~~~ haiz. nvm. there is not reali someone FOR me. sigh. ok aRh 10th may! yay
要曾经心痛过,才知道何时要放手。may you understand what i mean soon.
sometimes, it just takes sth very little to make someone happy... just look ard you. there are many things that will make you happy... might not be something significant, but it ll bring some warmth to the winter in your heart. lyk seeing someone you lyk ard and saying hi... *hoho i saw today... so was quite happy after dat=D* or just having friends walk with you to lessons and not being alone *tho i dun always hv...* so smile=D dun be so moody=D weiteng ni ye shi!
hmm... i just wan you back actually. but ur gone from my life... haha. so farney. mebbe u nv reali WERE in my life.
shld i go see doc 2molo before trng? hmm... dunno
Thursday, March 23, 2006 ©~jUn²珺☆
sry... just decided to write in chi... er click view, encoding and chose unicode... sry...
weiyi said dat i shld not be sad and try to make myself happy. but who wants to be sad. sigh. nobudi does reali... yuxing says i shldnt be negative abt ppl cuz it ll make me feel worse. i guess its sensitivity working up again.
friendless here.
u dun care.
i wanna just fade off.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006 ©~jUn²珺☆
summary of today: today sux.
longer summary:
1. barely make the weight.
2. goes in and plays disgustingly.
3. loses.
4. 2nd.
5. gets injured.
6. goes home, SHE says i overreact. SHE says i always do that. and since MY injury is only such a SMALL one, i DUN have to see a doctor. WOW. dats lyk enlightening!
since the injury is not on HER, and the SHE dusen feel the pain, and SHE dusen understand that i injured the same place for 4 times, and SHE dusen want to waste the money on ME. den i have nothing else to say. so now my shoulder, toe and knee can all rot. FINE. so SHE will be happy. isnt dat COOL. wow and SHE says i can walk WELL liddat u noe. its a wonder SHE dusen need specs.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006 ©~jUn²珺☆
sad i got pimple on my dimple... u noe i hv 3 dimples, 2 on my left and 1 on my right. den at the intersection of the 2 dimples on my left, there is this HUMONGOUS and PAINFUL pimple=(
You Should Get a MD (Doctor of Medicine) |
 You're both compassionate and brilliant - a rare combination. You were born to be a doctor. |
Your Aura is Blue |
 Your Personality: Your natural warmth and intuition nurtures those around you. You are accepting and always follow your heart.
You in Love: Relationships are your top priority, and this includes love. You are most happy when you are serious with someone.
Your Career: You need to help others in your job to feel satistifed. You would be a great nurse, psychologist, or counselor. |
Your Gemstone is Orange Saphire

Courageous, optimistic, and successful.
Your confidence helps you handle the ups and downs of life
hoho i was too bored...
Monday, March 20, 2006 ©~jUn²珺☆
urgh... list of injuries AGAIN:
-a bruise that looks lyk a purple version of a map of singapore on my knee._. (so now i wun get lost? even my knee noes dat i got no sense of direction... hmph)
-big pau on my head from that unfortunate incident which involved my head, the door of my cabinet and loads of headaches.
-back pain. sigh. dat bone is lyk aching from within... HOW~~~ v hard to walk properly loh...
ppl all seem to be getting sick... liyou, weiwen, jas, hongern, jonathan, carl... HMM get well soon ppl!
haha im blackmailing hongern. so fun=D
SURE u dun lyk her?! cuz if its publically recognised and EVERYONE thinks dat way, dunt u think there must be at least SOME truth in it? *nudge nudge=D*
i wan a mao mao, a gou gou, and a tu tu... and long as i can get rid of my di di den i ll get these.. *evil laughter* muahahaha...
2 days darlings! jiayou! i ll be there for you! HEART!
Sunday, March 19, 2006 ©~jUn²珺☆
OUCH! sigh my back is a BIT better... but v suan~~~ den my knee... sigh... determined not to get well le~~~ its lyk v orcehy but still not liddat... aiya dunno how to explain...
sigh... im obsessed... eek. even in dreams i think abt judo liao loh... just now i took a nap, den halfway, i remembered sir and ma'am say must turn and pull den i jerk turn and pull and i woke up._. oops. hoho... in the end fei mao ended up on the floor summore... sigh...
listened to faraway by nickelback... v nice~~~ haha thx to royston for sending it to me=D and listening to graduation by vitamin C too! thx darling yuxing for sending it to me!>< lyrics v meaningful... tears flowing while listening to it... *im sry fei mao for drenching u again._.*
graduationAnd so we talked all night about the rest of our livesWhere we're gonna be when we turn 25I keep thinking times will never changeKeep on thinking things will always be the sameBut when we leave this year we won't be coming backNo more hanging out cause we're on a different trackAnd if you got something that you need to sayYou better say it right now cause you don't have another dayCause we're moving on and we can't slow downThese memories are playing like a film without soundAnd I keep thinking of that night in June I didn't know much of loveBut it came too soonAnd there was me and youAnd then we got real coolStay at home talking on the telephone with meWe'd get so excited, we'd get so scaredLaughing at our selves thinking life's not fairAnd this is how it feelsAs we go on We remember All the times we Had togetherAnd as our lives change Come whateverWe will still beFriends Forever So if we get the big jobsAnd we make the big moneyWhen we look back nowWill our jokes still be funny?Will we still remember everything we learned in school?Still be trying to break every single ruleWill little brainy Bobby be the stockbroker man?Can we ever find a job that won't interfere with a tan?I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbyeKeep on thinking it's a time to flyAnd this is how it feelsLa, la, la, la? Yeah, yeah, yeah. La, la, la, la?We will still be friends foreverWill we think about tomorrow like we think about now?Can we survive it out there?Can we make it somehow?I guess I thought that this would never endAnd suddenly it's like we're women and menWill the past be a shadow that will follow us 'round?Will these memories fade when I leave this townI keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbyeKeep on thinking it's a time to fly
homework! i finished math bio chem n eoncs! so proud of myself! haha but the prob is i skipped all the qns i dunno how to do... = i did lyk er half the load? omg... haha...
sigh.. dun feel well... eek... been hving runny nose n stuffs... den i think cough coming back... lyk during pt dat day i was coffing... NONonononO~~~~~ i dun wan... sob...
i want to hear ur heart's voice. not what you say, but what you reali feel.
Saturday, March 18, 2006 ©~jUn²珺☆
ideal boyfriend
hmm kia mian made me do this quiz... haha... 8 points i wan in my ideal boyfriend><
1) must be taller (lyk duh...)... im onli 170cm... dats ok wad... im sure loads of guys r taller den me=D im gonna prove all those ppl wrong! those who r 酸 dat im tall and say things lyk "长这么高干嘛,以后没有人要,找不到男朋友!" hmph. yay.
2) must be 体贴 to me... i often have horrible mood swings loh... can ask my class ppl. i can just suddenly sulk or cry. im quite disgusted with myself, but aiya... cant be helped... must know what im going thru in life loh. friends. family. relationships with people. CCA. studies. EEK.
3) must care loads. not just act as if. i mean if i need a shlder to lean on, i hope that he'll be there loh. and not just 敷衍了事... be my emotional support=D dun mind bursting smses on me and stuffs liddat><
4) have to be able to crap with me about anything and not leave any awkward silences to fill... must hit together well >< and dun diao me when i lame=D haha sometimes i over-lame, mebbe just prod me or sth and not diao me and give me the == face (haha)
5) need to be equipped with the ability to cheer me up easily and be tolerant of me=D bring smiles to my face ok=D i get upset easily, 他得让我天天笑开怀>< lyk like stuffs i lyk and be ok when i ooh and ahh over them *like kitties and little kiddies and stuff toys* hoho... trust my taste ok=D
6) must understand me well enough to know what i am thinking. im quite an introvert, so its difficult to make me start toking about things i feel. he must feel what i feel loh *psychic... woh zai* and lyk must be able to tell when i feel =D
7) sms me at 12 mn for my burfday=D IMPT cuz i ll definitely do dat for him=D it just makes ppl feel special if u sms at 12 mn... yay so reminder to self *start smsing at 12mn for ppl s burfday again! starting w qiwens 2molo=D*
8) be serious at the right times and relaxed & fun at others. cuz im a not so easily serious person, so need some one to remind me to be serious=D
yay i finished... so 8 ppl i tag._. oops
1) yuxing
2) weiyi
3) xueling
4) peijin
5) amanda (mebbe can use class blog? hoho if so~~~)
6) jenny
7) jeana
8) xiuyi
haha... I GOT A NEW CRUSH! OMG HES SO~~~~ CUTE!!! yay bryan~~~ OMG i was lyk staring droopy eyed at him all the way~~~... haha shld find sum excuses to go SPANS trng to ogle at him... >< he do newaza CHAO CUTE! OMGOMGOMG... looking at him gives me the urge to go pinch his cheeks! aww~~~ haha oops. he s onli abt 4~~~ oops i sound pedophiliac... hoho...
sigh... overinjured again. cant stand it. first during trng, i hurt some nerve in my hipbone i think... ard my back there... when i walk or shift my weight onto the right leg, sth will hurt from halfway up the thigh all the way into my back... and the problem is this time, its within the bone. EEKS... how... nats is lyk FOUR days away. thx man for informing us lyk TODAY?! we ALWAYS tot dat it would be on thurs... OMG. faints.
ME BROWN BELT!!! yay!!! er but during randori, i played w huiling... er den i hurt my left knee... so now i walk... double hobble. cuz both side pain pain. i shld just die. urgh.
does dat mean we cant go watch on thurs? but i wan see my darling jrs play. *sulks*
don't try to be who you aren't. sigh. but i realise ppl i noe can be grouped into BIG groups.
"people who act lyk they care, but care nutthin."
"people who care, but don't show."
"people i tot who cared, but actually don't"
"people i love, but who don't love me."
"people i don't reali hate, but can't stand."
and loads more. PEOPLE. urgh
K BOX! ICE SKATING! ROLLER BLADING! loves of my life~~~
Friday, March 17, 2006 ©~jUn²珺☆
Yay we rock! me n mare finished the phys project within 3 hours and the egg din smash on the SECOND attempt LORH... hoho when other grps lyk jas jack melvin and amanda xiuwei did for 10+ hours but still CMI... you all jia you>< YaY...
haha den i played tennis w xiuwei n melvin... reali CMI.. shall stop trying to throw my own face... sigh... haha im no prodigy~~~
everyone bewareO_O cheng yen is a se beibei! and he has his eyes on xiuwei *gasps* hongern! take care of ur GC ok! and all 79 gays beware! *oops did i say gays? i mean GUYS... yup seriously meant GUYS. >< hahaha*
grading 2molo... hmm shall go memorise all the stuffs tonight=D
HW! sigh. i shld just give up on hw~~~ lyk i always do... HOHO... YaY.
just becuz u gave me life, dusen give u the right to control this life i have. shuddup.
puzzled with people.
hmm i dunno... you seem so righteous about it. but in the end, i realise, that yours is sheer bravado. just acting like you mind. cuz all you're feeling is bitterness at what she did. sigh. how can people act so well? what kind of world are we living in if people can act like they are angel-like but might be a devil deep within. weirded out. just realised how little i know about the people living around me. and i tot i knew dem well. sigh. unpredictable. adolescence trouble? oh whatever.
Sie sind gerade weil sie Sie nicht wählte, Sie badmouth über sie ekelhaft.SENTOSA TRIP CANCELLED=( sigh... sad den gg to do phys eggy proj in sch w mare... not to say the best way to pass an afternoon: bashing up eggs... luckily no trng today, or else even worse, must go earlier for the eggy thing. eek. but i still think dat today will do until lyk 7 plus the earliest... O_O how~~~
eek cannot go my own blog. sigh.
i wan to train. im scared. its 6 days! dats lyk damn near LARH... OMG.
btw ppl i still hvnt done ANY hw... SIGH.
Thursday, March 16, 2006 ©~jUn²珺☆
er just asking but how do you make a chinese character more courageous? harloe... dusen make much sense do u... hmph. and im SO not going to spend another 2 hours on the word yong... hmph... i think it looks fine. actually i think... most ppl find it ok... haha
HOHO nicenice beef noodles=D yay... v full tho=D but happily full=D hmm amanda dun kill hong ern ok... cuz he s e founder of class enthu movement... oso if u kill him den xiuwei got no gc le... he v sad one ok... HOHO... hope dat they dun see this...
mare! edward! how abt our eggy project? i saw loads of ppl dropping eggs in sch today... HOWHOWHOW... we shld start crashing eggs too... hmm...
can we cancel class outing to sentosa 2molo? i cant go den loads of ppl got cca... so we cancel? *hopeful look*
and ppl cheat my feelings... say wad bring me to k box... den in the end... yan xiao yun san loh... and i missed movies w yuxing n weiteng too=( saddened... ME WANNA SING. sigh.
HOHO nv do ANY hw yet... yeps... ppl be proud of me! im not a mugger=D yay...
bu yao kou shi xin fei. dun tok abt things dat others do, and do it urself. i mean. dun be a hypocrite man. u suck. quit telling me abt wad she did. cuz. ur involved.
sigh. im freaked out by u. wad shall i do. SIGH. scared. frustrated. can i just cut myself away?
HW!HW!HW and mebbe trng 2molo... eeks its 7 days... OMG
Wednesday, March 15, 2006 ©~jUn²珺☆
i dont understand, how you can know a person for ages and think that you are good friends with them. den suddenly, you realise that you dont know them at all. that feeling sucks. eek. disgusted. not as if a lot of people know me well. actually nobody tries to know me well anyway. but i still try to portray a realistic side of me. as realistic as it can get anyway. but i hate it when people act nice, but behind other's back, curse and swear about them.
and i dont understand. how some people can live in their own little lives and not care a bit about what others feel. i mean, u live in a world where people's lives affect each other. you have friends. you live around friends. people interact. how can you just be satisfied being happy yourself without caring about how others feel? dont be so selfish.
urgh. i shld stop thinking so much... ok shall go refine the t shirt design. SIGH.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006 ©~jUn²珺☆
YAY=D neoprints today= happy majun=D sigh but i dun look pretty.. haha im not pretty but i think neoprints r supposed to make u look pretty... hmm... nvm... haha=D j8 de machines rock=D yay...
trng today at angmokio... haha quite fun... tho v tiring... but lyk right after trng, u wun feel dat tired liao... hmm... HAHA den we went to eat lyk GIGANTIC CHOCOLATE ICE KACHANG plus soursop ice... *drools* haha... den we went j8 to take neoprints n ooh over stuff toys=D yay favorite pastime=D hoho... TOYS R CUTE=D and so is dat CAT! dat kitty so tare... kept rubbing up against ppls leg n bags... cutecute kitty~~~ sigh... but i din see it after trng... mebbe we too stinky le... dats y._. i think if i were the cat, i would oso lyk siam chao fast><
din get to play swing in the end>< saddened... so long nv play liao=( cuz i couldnt fit on the swings== legs will hit the floor one... hmm i shall stick to my nxt best choice SKATING! dat reminds me: 79ers! lets skate when we go to sentosa!!! YAY=D haha... im mad.
would the stupid person who stole wilson pls own up. urgh. im going to find out who u r man. BISH.
NATS IN 9 DAYS! *gasp*
Monday, March 13, 2006 ©~jUn²珺☆
sigh... i just bumped my head on my bookshelf AGAIN... honestly dat beastly white bookshelf is evil... hmph... dats lyk the 3rd time liao laRh... and now i hv a HUMONGOUS bao on my head... sigh... den tie hair v pain=( after i bumped my head i had to lie down for half an hour to get my bearings back... SIGH... and den my nose v suan n head v gong... =(=(=(=(
2molo pt at ang mo kio park._. they say the steps 3 times as high as the tch one._. me stun. and faint. n die. DIAO omgomgomg... die die die... HOW TO SURVIVE O_O sigh... oh anybudi tell me how to go to j8 from ang mo kio park leh... cuz me wan to go take neoprints w ping there after trng=D yay... finally NEOPRINTS=D
been slacking LOADS... din even touch hw=(=(=( HOWHOWHOW... sigh...
NATIONALS ARE IN HOW MANY DAYS?! 10?! FAINT. OMGOMGOMG. this is disastrous. im deproving. i suck.
stop telling me im fat ok. and ugly. WADEVA. lyk my friends will care. HMPH. wad u say will onli hurt me more. so wadeva.
HOHO on sat i went to practise my turning on skates=D yay now i can do left turn=D hoho... almost as well as i can do right turn... tho both not dat shun yet... but nvm=D wo kai xin jiu hao=D *beams*
KBOX! SENTOSA! J8! NEOPRINTS! comeon ppl bring it on.
Sunday, March 12, 2006 ©~jUn²珺☆
u noe im still hurt from wad u said dat day? no matter how i am in ur presence, im still hurt. i may joke laff and play, but wad u said will always be there. so wad if im fat n ugly. u hv no right to comment.
huang cheng... haha so farney... den i think our row was the rowdiest... tok abt go da jia behind and wad final fantasy 7 and 8 de song._. diao... den me n mare flooded the last row... hoho... cuz v gan ren mah... *sniffles* huang cheng ppl did a great job=D
hai... i wan a tote bag... hmm... and i luv my new purple shades=D and i do NOT look lyk a hei she hui person in it...
Friday, March 10, 2006 ©~jUn²珺☆
u dun try to understand wad i go thru. u just command me to do things u wan me to. u just look at things from the surface. so wad if u cared when im physically tired? do u noe im mentally tired now? do u noe the stress im facing from school, cca and friends altogether piling on my head? sigh. just command. just dao my smses. just hang up on my calls. i shldnt care much anyway.
thx to ppl for cheering me today=D thx to ppl for playing v ball today tho i noe dat u all din reali wan to play much. =D
i noe im fat. so wad. stop it. i noe it.
wilson is back. i found him. i ll rather not tok abt his condition and where i found him. but if i find the person who did this. and if i noe the person, ur SO DEAD. how can u steal him. how can u do this to my darling wilson. *ULTIMATE BISH*
haha chinese high is now off limits... i go there i ll see lyk MANY judo ppl... first i was eating w class den charlene n nichola came over. den we spied zhong ning. den huang hao walked by behind me. den ping came to eat wif her class lyk 10 mins later... n i think i saw another one of the sec 3 guys... hmm... so coincidental... haha mebbe not... we re in the same sch after all=D
class dinner=D haha... ok we spent most of the time bitching abt. who else. haha. im sry to say dat we re mean. but we re all mean. we re all discreet members. hoho.
felt horrible. feels horrible. will feel horrible. its all the same isnt it. be it past / present / future tense, it all feels the same to me. haha. mebbe i ll becum numb again.
hoho. nice. but i din see.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006 ©~jUn²珺☆
sigh. how could they do this... b4 we were all thinking... will melvin go to another class? will stella change class? but nobudi EVER thot dat jenny would be lost. HOW COULD THEY. its totally unsuspected. how could they separate TWINS for gods sake. and so wad if he takes BCCLLM? i dun care. i just wan jenny back. sigh. now she s in 7B. i miss jenny. we all luv jenny. let her come back.=(
i see tears on ur faces. n i feel tears on mine.
i cant believe this. i lost wilson AGAIN. i left it on the class bench for CT session. JUST NXT TO MY BAG LARH. and it just went missing. COULD THE JERK WHO TOOK MY WILSON PLS GIVE IT BACK?! dammit. could u think abt wad I FEEL? when i find it missing AGAIN?! im pissed off.
oh n thx to hong ern for helping me search for wilson=D
sadly. u dun care. abt wadeva i feel. i see it in ur face. nvm. haha everyone has sum1 dat they care abt. mebbe i just dun hv sum1 who cares abt me. nvm i can care for others=D yay.
mebbe i can act hyper n be happy. u all nv knew the diff anyway. so wadeva.
test test test. sigh.
go study.
sigh. how could they do this... b4 we were all thinking... will melvin go to another class? will stella change class? but nobudi EVER thot dat jenny would be lost. HOW COULD THEY. its totally unsuspected. how could they separate TWINS for gods sake. and so wad if he takes BCCLLM? i dun care. i just wan jenny back. sigh. now she s in 7B. i miss jenny. we all luv jenny. let her come back.=(
i see tears on ur faces. n i feel tears on mine.
i cant believe this. i lost wilson AGAIN. i left it on the class bench for CT session. JUST NXT TO MY BAG LARH. and it just went missing. COULD THE JERK WHO TOOK MY WILSON PLS GIVE IT BACK?! dammit. could u think abt wad I FEEL? when i find it missing AGAIN?! im pissed off.
oh n thx to hong ern for helping me search for wilson=D
sadly. u dun care. abt wadeva i feel. i see it in ur face. nvm. haha everyone has sum1 dat they care abt. mebbe i just dun hv sum1 who cares abt me. nvm i can care for others=D yay.
mebbe i can act hyper n be happy. u all nv knew the diff anyway. so wadeva.
test test test. sigh.
go study.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006 ©~jUn²珺☆
sigh... today trng quite slack... as in a lot of waiting time, so cool down easily... hmm but i still sucked big time... sigh...
noticed ur not in ur top form... jiayou... comp nearing.
yay ppl lyk my new earrings new ring n new piggy key chain=D yay my taste = nice=D hehe...
dun lyk to take fotos... cuz i not chio... not pretty will ruin fotos... BUT I DUN MIND NEOPRINTS! cuz the machine V NICE=D MUACKS... haha... den make me SEEM prettier by a little. haha... PPL LETS GO TAKE NEOS!
yay class outing to go skating! me wan skate! ZoOm--- haha.. miss the feeling... sigh. me wan ice skating too.. n k box... LETS ORGANISE CCA OUTING TO K BOX! I WANNA SING W PHEYWA N XIAOHUI~~~ n i nv go before=( ok im ulu... but... u can un-ulu me=D
TESTS=( oh no... flunking... noticed dat im lyk slacking laRh... OHNO... freaks out... sigh.
nobudi to tok to. nobudi to chui feng wif...
thx to ppl who went chui feng-ing w me this past week... and hope i can find ppl to tok to n chui feng. i dun lyk to be alone. but i dun wanna stick out lyk a sore thumb. i just wan some ONE to tok to. and lean on *not neccesarily literally*. ur nv there. n u ll nv be there.
sigh. tok to me. i need things to keep me from thinking too much.
Monday, March 06, 2006 ©~jUn²珺☆
haha today saw ppl who make me happy=D haha even a smile from u will make me sooper happy. but u spoke to me! haha... ok lameded.
design is driving me nuts. ppl gimme solid ideas!
sigh. there s gp essay 2molo, econs essay chem lecture test bio lecture test & csp test on thurs, math assignment n chem class test on fri. DIE
missed trng today... sry xiaohui... patpat...
Saturday, March 04, 2006 ©~jUn²珺☆
sigh. sigh. sigh. so many things are happening now i dunno wad to do. sigh. but shopping makes me happy=D bot new ear studs...=D yay got M and a star on it=D
today no neoprints=( sigh... cuz got a lot of tests nxt week so din go... mebbe nxt weekend or sth... I WAN NEOPRINTS=(
injury lists piling high. dunno when they ll all decide to leave me. sigh... and i wun miss dem too...
oh congrats abt ur class jonathan=D
dun pretend dat u care. i noe wad ur after. i ve been warned abt u. ur scheming against me. dun think i dunno. u dun even care abt wad i feel. but this time, i will triumph over u. i wun be stepped all over.
wadeva. think ur so great. fine. as if U cared.
nationals coming. but lyk no atmosphere yet. dunno why. mebbe cuz its too early for nationals mood. sigh. why would the sjf decide to make it SO sooper early. and so chopped off from team summore... WEIRD. dunno wad theyre thinking. eek. disgusting. must make weight. SIGH. shld hv gone for <63. wadeva
NEW TV!!! muacks!!! but it looks small... and the sound is lyk weird. but its beeeautiful~~~ *gazes in awe at it...* haha...
sinking deeper into music. music keeping me sane now. cuz nobudi else is.
my music. my world. nobudi intrudes.
Friday, March 03, 2006 ©~jUn²珺☆
2MOLO GO TAKE NEOS!!! ~~~ YAYS haha... finally=D
shall go jogging 2molo... sigh my stamina reali sux=( howhowhow... hmph...
ppl leaving n ppl coming. sigh. this is gonna change the sch. dun sad if ur leaving. patpat. there r things dat will happen in life dat u din expect. but try to live wif it. smile=D
"everyone has the potential to soar. no matter where u r" ~ majun (teehehe)
im regressing. just lyk charlie from flowers for algernon. i mean i din even hv a peak period n im falling badly. sigh.
dunno wad im doing now. floating thru each day. i worry but. nothing i can do abt it. haha.
Thursday, March 02, 2006 ©~jUn²珺☆
today went for luch wif judo peeps=D cuz today onli half day=D yays... missed csp phys tut n econs lect! haha there was pheywa jiangyue charlene nichola chaoqun hindarto weesiang yongkeong jitneng thomas. hmm... pretty weird wifout my darling teammates... but they all had hot dates=( sigh. y nobudi wans me. hmm thot we were gg to j8 den can go take neoprints... in the end went to eat roti prata== and slack ard beauty world while they went dotaing... hmm den went for trng... sigh... played weird games n my elbow broke open again. and theres trng 2molo. sai.
sigh. why am i always the opportunity cost? the forgone nxt best alternative? mebbe i wasnt even the nxt best alternative. i dun lyk to be extraed. fine. wadeva. u dun care. so i shldnt too. stop bothering me. if u dun care. honestly i shld be accustomed to this kinda thing le.
I WAN NEOPRINTS!!!!! weiteng still owes me neoprints. sigh. den i wan to take wif PING THEY ALL!!!!! sigh. sigh. sigh. they are all too busy. sigh.
SO CUTE! UR SO CUTE! muacks=D haha. ok nvm.
zi high. cuz nobudi s trying to make me high.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006 ©~jUn²珺☆
NEW TV=D yAys=D LCD 42 inch flat screen=D yAys... haha im still supporting my mortal== haha ok its my daddy chose one but its phillips de... haha... yay... i shall endeavor to watch more tv=D pretty pretty tv=D
haha they din realise dat their bags were switched... pings lets try on sum1 else nxt time=D
u dun mean wad u say. dun act lyk u care. u dun. haha stop acting. ur acting skills not good. dun promise den break it. promises are not meant to be broken. i hate ppl who break promises.
today was lyk slack all the way... but eng grammar test was~~~ well u noe wad i mean. i feel i ll get lyk 1/90 laRh. my grammar sucks haha... sigh... math was--- as usual. dun absorp anything haha...
haha the CMS session was so fun=D the videos of the councillors so funny n cute haha...
u dun sad laRh. things will becum better. smile ok. dun cry so much. or cry all at once, let it all out and u ll feel better>< u can call me anytime to talk.
u too... dun believe all those romours=D stay happy lah... think abt ur happy memories haha.
haha ok faith get well soon=D
sadness is contagious. i hereby apologise to everyone who i have influenced. but i cant help it. im not 24/7 hyper de. nobudi can manage dat. sigh. i feel~~~ dunno. sigh. dunno wad i feel anymore. mebbe i ve reached the numb stage again? 2 numb stages in half a year is bad. sigh. wad can i do.